
7 Tips to Produce Great 3D Architectural Renderings

3D architectural renderings are becoming increasingly popular tool for architects to represent clients what a complete project would look like, which is more realistic than using scale models or artist’s drawings. But in order to make architectural rendering to be unbeaten, it has to be as photorealistic as possible. Given below are some tips on how to produce a great 3D Architectural Renderings:

Sharpen edges

Even man-made objects have perfectly sharp edges. By cutting your edges using a chamfer tool in the rendering software, you not only create your rendering look more realistic but you also bring out more detail by letting the edges capture highlights from your lighting source.

Use Mid-tone Colors For Contrast

Try not using colors that are 100% black or white. If you want to show that an object has volume, you need to have areas that are highlighted and shaded using mid-tones for contrast. Thus, if you have a virtual material that is perfectly black, your model will look flat as the difference between the shaded areas and the mid-tones will not be visible.

Use Blurred Background

Use blurred background in your 3D architectural rendering because a certain amount of blurring is something that is connected with photographs from real life to show movement. Architectural renders in Brisbane can also apply depth effects during the actual rendering.

Use specular maps

These maps add more practicality to your renderings by telling the render engine which portion of it should have high shininess and which are more diffuse. However, you can also use specular maps in rendering objects that are supposed to have an identical finish, such as ceramics, by highlighting naturally occurring irregularities like scratches and dings.

Use area shadows

When you are creating exterior renderings, you should be aware of the time it is supposed to be made so that you can reflect it in the shadows that are being cast. For instance, if it is supposed to be morning, the shadows should be supple and not sharply defined. While on the contrast, at mid-day, shadows are crisp. The type of lighting that you are using in the rendering is something you should also think about.

Add dirt and disorder

Try to add some dirt and disorder to the image. In reality, even things that are meant to be brand new are not pure and will have some imperfections. Therefore, add these details to your renderings, such as tiny cracks.
Include asymmetry.

In natural world, things are never fully symmetric. So once you have finished your 3D architectural rendering, add some asymmetric variance in order to make them look more realistic.